
Save the date!

Your WSNA officers want to announce a special breakfast event with gifts to say “Thank You” and show how much you are appreciated!

WHEN: May 3, 2023 0830 to 0930
WHERE: Civic Center Building - Garden Center Room
BRING: Your appetite!

Please plan on attending part or all of this event! Several breakfast options will be available as well as gifts and of course SWAG. Come and chat with your officers and start your day energized! Please RSVP at this link so we can order the correct amount of food for everyone:

Questions? Contact one of your elected officers:

Nicole L. Miller MSN, RN
nicolemiller.tupperware@gmail.com or (360) 305-7524

Stephanie C. Peterka, BSN, RN
stephcrow@hotmail.com or (360) 383-6842

Lela C. Riherd, BSN, RN, CCRN
lela132001@yahoo.com or (806) 438-0174

Julie A. McElroy, RN
rnjuliemcelroy@gmail.com or (360) 220-3797

or contact WSNA Nurse Representative Sue Dunlap directly at sdunlap@wsna.org or text at 425-263-0522.