
Strategic priorities

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WSNA’s strategic prior­i­ties and objec­tives focus the association’s resources on priority goals that advance our mission of providing leader­ship for the nursing profes­sion and promoting quality health care.

Our vision

We believe that all Washington residents will achieve optimal health when we work to ensure that all commu­ni­ties have access to safe, quality health care, public health, and environ­mental justice.

Safe staffing / health access

Achieve safe nurse staffing in all settings to ensure health and optimize quality of care. Advocate for increased support to nursing degree programs to promote diverse workforce development. Ensure equitable access to health services so that all people can attain their highest level of health and receive the right care by the appropriate provider, in the right place, at an affordable cost.

Diversity, equity and inclusion

Implement specific strategies to address social and health disparities within our profession, our membership, and our organization, recognizing that discrimination in any form is harmful to society as a whole and in opposition to the values and ethical code of the nursing profession.

Nursing practice, quality and safety

Empower nurses to lead, advocate, educate, promote, and protect the scope of practice of nursing in order to practice to the full extent of their training, education and licensure in delivering optimal care. Promote the adoption of effective behaviors and evidence-based practices that will positively impact the health and safety of registered nurses and patients and lead to improved health and quality outcomes for all residents of Washington.

Membership growth and engagement

Remain the leading voice and advocate for the diverse registered nurses in all roles and settings, who live and/or work in Washington state, through continued membership growth and active member engagement.

Association vitality

Strengthen WSNA’s operation, programmatic infrastructure and economic stability to ensure continued success by a diverse leadership and staff in advancing association priorities.