
2015 WSPHA Annual Conference Oct. 11 – 13 in Wenatchee

This year’s annual conference of the Washington State Public Health Association is built around the theme of “Partnerships and Innovation: A Public Health Imperative.” The conference will provide an interactive venue for the public health community to share, learn and discover how collaboration and innovative solutions can truly transform the health of our communities and the people we serve across the lifespan.

A limited number of conference scholarships are available. Scholarships support the cost of conference registration and up to $100 in travel reimbursement.View details and complete the scholarship application.

WSNA is an organizational member of WSPHA. We work in partnership to secure funding for public health and key programs, such as maternal support services. WSNA is also a sponsor of the conference, which is WSPHA’s signature event. It brings together professionals from across the state to learn, connect, and celebrate the dedication of the community to improving the public’s health. The program features a mix of workshops, breakout sessions and social events. It is an opportunity to connect with peers who share your commitment to public health and a chance to gain valuable skills and knowledge to use in your daily work.

View the Conference Program
Register for the 2015 Conference