
2021 Lobby Day

February 4, 2021



Your voice is more essential than ever.

The Washington State Legislature’s 2021 Regular Session is just around the corner, beginning Monday, Jan. 11. Because of the pandemic, the legislature is expected to meet remotely — and so will we.

Join us virtually for WSNA's 2021 Lobby Day on Thursday, Feb. 4, from 8:15 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

Nurses are on the front­lines of the pandemic response, and much of this legisla­tive session will focus on how to keep essen­tial workers safe. State revenues are down, due to the economic recession caused by the pandemic; that means budget gains for nursing school faculty in our state’s commu­nity and technical colleges will be at risk.

WSNA will continue to advocate for public health funding and invest­ment in school nurses.

Your strong nurse voices will continue to make an impact in Olympia. By attending Lobby Day, you will learn more about WSNA priority bills and meet with your legis­la­tors via video confer­ence. Your voice is more essen­tial than ever.

This event is for WSNA members only.