
News You Can Use

We Have a Union Now: What Else Has Changed?

We’ve covered some of the material changes. But one new thing to spotlight is that all WSNA nurses now have a right to have a representative present during an investigatory meeting. This is called our Weingarten Rights. This is a major change that only union members benefit from. It will be covered in the training on 10/30 and our trainer will be available to answer any questions you have...

Mark That Calendar 10/30/2023

Labor 101: Virtual training on Teams 7-8PM WSNA Legal Counsel Kelly Skahan has prepared education for you. Join your Local Unit Officers and WSNA Nurse Rep Shawn Reed for this informative training. Learn what rights you have at work as part of a union, how to enforce them, and what to look out for at work during this pre-contract period...

Member spotlight: Your WSNA Local Unit Grievance Officer

Hello, my name is Mateo Maestas. I have been elected as the Grievance Officer for the Mares campus. First and foremost, thank you for electing me. I work as a circulating nurse in the OR. I became a nurse at the age of 52. A little about me. I have served my country in the United States Navy during the Gulf War, gone through a carpenter’s apprenticeship, became an EMT, and worked in the service industry. Most of my life has been spent in restaurants; I have served, bartended, and managed restaurants and thrive in a team environment. Being in the “United Brotherhood of Carpenters “union was a great experience and I feel will help me in the position that you have elected me to...