
Opportunity to speak for yourself and colleagues

Below, we have pasted the new language from the ratified contract regarding the Nurse Staffing Committee. Note the text in red. As for RN members of the Committee, the law and contract calls for 50% or more of the committee to be registered nurses and 50% management.

RN members of the committee will be paid for their time in the monthly committee meetings. We would like to have two nurses from each unit, they could alternate months, or one can be a backup in case the other cannot attend.

The Nurse Staffing Committee meets the 4th Thursday of each month from 1000-1200.

We are seeking “self-nominations” from all who are interested in representing their unit on the Staffing Committee.

If you are interested, please respond to this email by Feb. 28, 2020.
All nominees must be a member in good standing to sit on the Staffing Committee.

19.1.1 Nurse Staffing Committee. The parties agree to continually work toward an equitable system of insuring adequate Registered Nurse staffing to meet patient needs. This shall be accomplished through the Nurse Staffing Committee (“NSC”). A purpose of the Committee shall be to discuss and consider alternative methodologies to accomplish this goal which might include the development, implementation, and evaluation of appropriate systems. Standards established by the hospital accreditation organization selected by the Hospital shall be considered relevant criteria for determining appropriate staffing levels. At least one-half of the members of the NSC shall be members of the bargaining unit, chosen by the Association. The NSC will meet monthly or as otherwise agreed upon by NSC members. The Association may appoint up to three (3) designated alternate members of the NSC. The Local Unit Chair will provide the Chief Nursing Officer with agendas and minutes at least seven (7) days in advance of each meeting. Nurses shall be relieved of all other work duties and shall receive her/his regular rate of pay for time spent in an NSC meeting. The CEO will attend the meeting to hear concerns and recommendations at least semiannually. The Hospital will not engage in any form of retaliation against a nurse who participates in, or engages with, the NSC on matters related to NSC business.

19.1.2 Staffing levels. The Hospital will strive to maintain staffing levels that provide for safe patient care and the health and safety of nurses. To accomplish this goal, the Hospital shall endeavor to: Provide staffing levels that enable the nurses the opportunity to receive meal and rest breaks. Provide staffing levels that enable nurses to utilize their accrued paid time off pursuant to Article 9. Refrain from assigning nurses to provide care to more patients than anticipated by the agreed staffing guidelines and relevant safety requirements.

In Solidarity!
Gwen Parrick, LU Chair (rsgsparr@whidbey.com)
Jeremy Aaron, LU Grievance Officer (jaaron575@gmail.com)
Laura Black, LU Grievance Officer (tomnlaura@hotmail.com)
Terri Williams, WSNA Nurse Rep (twilliams@wsna.org)
Fax #206-575-1908