
Whidbey Wage Reopener Update 3/18/24

Your bargaining team met with management again today. When your current contract was bargained, the hospital agreed to a wage reopener at the start of each year of the contract, to bargain for increased wages above the 6% guaranteed money that will go into effect on April 1. During the last session, management proposed an additional wage increase but only for acute care nurses.  For the most part, this excluded nurses who are not in departments that operate 24/7 - mostly the clinic areas. Today, we stressed that only providing a wage increase for some nurses was not gaining traction with us.  Our team believes we need a unified approach to wages for all Whidbey nurses covered by the WSNA contract. To that end, we worked on a proposal to better target incentivizing and addressing critical staffing needs as well as an additional possible wage increase later in the year.

We are looking for additional dates to meet and will update the bargaining unit after we meet again. Questions? Contact one of your bargaining team members.

Your bargaining team - Luka Cobb, Gwen Parrick, Laura Black and Ann Bell

Questions – please contact one of your local unit officers or nurse rep, Sara Frey  sfrey@wsna.org.