WSNA in Olympia — 2025 Legislative Session
The 2025 legislative session in Olympia starts on Monday with one of our bills – HB 1162, addressing workplace violence (WPV) – scheduled for a public hearing on Wednesday, January 15.
January 10, 2025 • 1 minute, 3 seconds to read

The 2025 legislative session in Olympia starts on Monday with one of our bills – HB 1162, addressing workplace violence (WPV) – scheduled for a public hearing on Wednesday, January 15.
Please take action TODAY! Sign in to support HB 1162 before 7am on Wednesday, January 15.
Instructions for signing in (please read carefully)
You can sign in support up until ONE hour before the start of the hearing. Since the public hearing is on Wednesday, January 15 at 8am, you have until 7am on Wednesday, January 15.
We need everyone to sign in PRO for this bill to show strong public support!
Choose position: PRO
Fill out the remaining identifying information, leaving “organization” blank. (Do not put the name of your employer or WSNA here.)
- Submit.
What does HB 1162 do?
In 2019, the Legislature passed a law on workplace violence (WPV) in hospitals requiring them to develop safety plans, safety trainings for employees, and an annual review of WPV related incidents. This work is carried out by WPV or safety committees. HB 1162 would take the work being done by these WPV/safety committees to the next natural step by requiring a more regular and detailed review of WPV incident-related data by the committee, as well as required reporting of this data within the committee and annual updates to the safety plan based on this regular review of data. Our focus is on prevention, and our goal is to move the needle on WPV, as it has been trending upwards steadily over the last several years.
Thank you for taking action! More to come from us at the end of this week for our first “Weekly Update” of the 2025 session.