
Get involved

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Why should I get involved?

  • Safe nurse staffing standards
  • Scope of practice
  • Prohi­bi­tion of manda­tory overtime
  • Safe patient handling – no manual lifting
  • Malprac­tice reform
  • Reimburse­ment
  • Nursing educa­tion funding
  • Public health funding
  • Contin­uing education
  • Funding for uninsured
  • Monetary/​scholarship support for nursing educa­tion, certi­fi­ca­tion and training
  • Licen­sure issues
  • Nurse retention/​shortage
  • Health care access
  • Safe work environment

If so, you should know WSNA PAC is the only fund set up that aggres­sively pursues the election and re-election of candi­dates for state office who will stand up and support the nursing profes­sion on key issues like these, as well as a long list of other issues critical to our future

The WSNA PAC Campaign

As impor­tant as it is to be involved in your local commu­nity by supporting local candi­dates, it’s equally as impor­tant that we are all involved on the state level as well.

By partic­i­pating in WSNA PAC, your voice is heard collec­tively with hundreds of nurses across the State who have a seat at the table of impor­tant public policy debates. If you don’t get involved, you might face the prospect of bad legis­la­tion or a new set of crippling regula­tions. To maintain our presence and repre­sent our profes­sion, we must raise about $5,000 this year!

What we need now is your support. Please join WSNA PAC today!

Make a contri­bu­tion!

If every member of WSNA were to contribute just $1 a month ($12 a year), WSNA PAC would be over $150,000 strong to ensure that we are visible in Olympia.

Send your contri­bu­tion to:

575 Andover Park West, Suite 101
Seattle, WA 98188

Or make a donation online now.

Volun­teer to serve on the WSNA PAC Board of Trustees.

Whether it’s sponsoring, hosting or attending a WSNA PAC special event, contributing finan­cially through a local campaign or making an individual finan­cial commit­ment, the WSNA PAC offers a variety of giving levels so every nurse can become involved in the polit­ical process.

Get involved by joining hundreds of nurses state-wide who agree that WSNA PAC is the best invest­ment you can make to influ­ence our profession’s long term growth.

This program offers unmatched oppor­tu­ni­ties to mix and mingle with leaders in the nursing profes­sion, as well as promi­nent elected officials and VIP speakers. Join the ranks of hundreds of your colleagues by taking action today!

For more infor­ma­tion, contact Jessica Hauffe.

WSNA PAC is committed to its mission as a non-partisan organi­za­tion repre­senting the inter­ests of nurses concerned with promoting quality patient care through the polit­ical process. No WSNA dues monies are used to support candi­dates, and contri­bu­tions to WSNA PAC are voluntary.

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