
Latest Updates

Wage Increase  

On Thursday, June 8, 2023, your local unit officers as well as WSNA met with leadership and their attorney to discuss a wage reopener. Your local unit officers were able to secure a 6% wage increase for everyone across the board.  

End of Incentive MOU 

With this 6% increase, the employer is ending the incentive MOU, stating financial hardship. Please be aware that we are asking the employer for clarification that any shifts already picked up will be honored as an incentive shift and if not, the nurses will have the choice to decline the extra shift. More to come on this. 

Local unit meeting 

We will be planning a local unit meeting over the next couple of months. There will be food and fun, and more to come.  

Questions? Contact WSNA Nurse Representative Stephenie Troftgruben at stroftgruben@wsna.org.