
News you can use

Join The New Hospital Staffing Committee!

Do you feel passionate about safe staffing? We are seeking one to two nurses from each unit to represent their peers on the newly formed Hospital Staffing Committee, a joint committee consisting of members of WSNA, SEIU and management. Staffing Committee works to ensure that everyone is supported and addresses the concerns of staff as they arise. The Committee is also responsible for developing and voting on the staffing plans for each unit. The Hospital Staffing Committee meets virtually on the third Wednesday of the month from 8am to 9am. Each unit needs a primary and secondary staffing committee member. If you are scheduled to work during that time, your manager will try to grant you release from your duties so you may attend. At least one member per unit is entitled to compensation for their time spent in staffing committee.

If you are interested in becoming a part of the new Hospital Staffing Committee, let your WSNA Nurse Rep know! Email gchesterman@wsna.org for details and to throw your hat in the ring!

Scholarships for WSNA's Champions of Change Conference: Apply now!

Don’t miss WSNA’s premier labor training event at Campbell’s Resort on Lake Chelan April 28 to the 30. You’ll enjoy great trainings, networking, and loads of fun. If you are a union member in good standing, your WSNA officers are offering scholarships to a limited number of nurses who contact WSNA. This can be applied to the conference fee, hotel and mileage reimbursement.  Please contact your nurse rep, Grace Chesterman gchesterman@wsna.org to add your name to the list and to receive instructions and a code for signing up. Be sure to put in for the time off now! If you are not a union member, you can join today!

The year 2023 was an incredible year for labor, and WSNA nurses are a part of that. Across the state we have fought hard and won some amazing contracts. Join us as we celebrate our victories, get an update on the national and state labor scenes, learn how to be more effective leaders in our own workplaces, and strategize for what’s coming next.