
Bargaining session 2 update

Hello Overlake Nurses,

We all know short staffing is a big issue around the hospital. Thursday in bargaining when we proposed more break relief nurses as a way to fix short staffing, management was dismissive and expressed that we should solve the problems that they should fix. The hospital referred to our concerns as using “buzz words” to talk about break relief nurses. Short staffing has nurses exhausted and we are serious about the hospital finding us relief. We are not going to be minimized, we are strong together and focused on retention and attracting new nurses.

Break relief resonates with me because I’m a nursing mom. I need breaks at work to feed my baby. I know that not all nurses who choose to nurse their babies are able to because they can’t take their breaks. This has to change.

Last week we expressed our concerns regarding Management’s proposal to reduce bereavement leave. Losing time to grieve the loss of our loved ones during a pandemic is unacceptable. While management has improved their initial take a way, we aren’t done yet.

We continue to express our concerns regarding Management’s proposed time off changes. Management claims an upside that we have yet to see. Their proposal seems to mean slower accrual and less bankability of PTO; an overall net loss of time off and money for us.

Our bargaining team needs your continued support. Please wear your stickers on March 18,, our next bargaining session, to show your strength and solidarity!

Kathryn Geren BA, RN PACU
WSNA Grievance Officer
WSNA Negotiation Team Member

The Bargaining Team:
Chris Birchem, Sharon Sims, Pauline Whitney-Hille, Gemma Aranda, Janet Moore-Lane, Cassie Bundick, Kathryn Geren