
It's time to correct the record

We are aware of the email sent out to nurses from Nina Plata with a negotiations update. We wish to correct the record.

  1. Our last day of negotiations was JUNE 2.
  2. Our upcoming dates of negotiations are JUNE 23, JULY 16 and JULY 23. Your WSNA team had requested July 15 and July 22 as additional days but those were rejected by management because they would create consecutive days of bargaining.
  3. There is a new INTRAnet online form for staffing concerns that the hospital has labelled “WSNA Nurse Staffing Concern Form”. WSNA has NOT endorsed this form. WSNA continues to recommend the online staffing concern form / ADO which is found at www.wsna.org/ado

Please plan to attend our upcoming town hall WEDNESDAY JUNE 16 AT 6 PM and bring your questions and concerns directly to your team and the WSNA staff including our WSNA Attorney Pamela Chandran.

Questions or need the meeting link? Contact WSNA Nurse Representative Sue Dunlap at sdunlap@wsna.org.