


Liz Rainaud, RNC

FBC (day)

Cell phone (360) 421-2505





Felicia Dehon, RN

(360) 840-7401



Rachel Yates, RN

Urgent Care Clinics

(360) 333-1210


Grievance Officer

Branden White, RN

(360) 770-7397


Grievance Officer

Abubaker Cameron, RN


Membership Officer

Kim McCann

(360) 391-9097


WSNA staff contact

Latest update

Board Meeting Cancelled?!

Nurses speaking make you uncomfortable

June's Board of Commissioners meeting was nothing short of epic. It was clear that the Board did not expect so many passionate nurses to come to the forefront. The feeling in the room was palpable (and stuffy) as nurses overflowed into the hallway. We came on our days off, we came on our breaks, we came in our scrubs, and we came dragging our families along. In short, when called upon, we showed up and made our voices heard.

In the recent few weeks, we have all been signing onto a letter to the Board to amplify a message from our bargaining team that Skagit and the Board (still) don’t seem to be hearing. The majority of nurses at SRH (that's HUNDREDS of us!) put our names and support to it. If you haven't seen it yet, you can take a peek here.

Meanwhile, suspicious spam emails have been floating around. Someone is pretending to be our Chair, Liz, and trying to fish for information about our Union plans at what was supposed to be the July Board meeting... I wonder why anyone would be doing that? Most of us know that if we have any questions, we can reach out to our WSNA Organizer or Nurse Representative at CDoll@wsna.org and SDunlap@wsna.org.

Early this week, our bargaining team requested smaller group meetings with each Board member to share concerns with the direction SRH is going, and at the same time to share our letter with all of our signatures. You wouldn't believe what happened next (or maybe you would). We were refused!

Only a few days ago, the SRH Board meeting was quietly canceled. No announcement, no email, and very suspicious timing.

Our next negotiation date is Monday, July 29. Though Skagit is trying to block our voice in just about every avenue they can think of, they cannot keep us away from bargaining. Come observe and support our team. Email Crystal before Sunday afternoon to let her know to expect you.

We Will Not Be Silenced!

The media and public are taking notice. Just earlier this week, our fearless chair Liz spoke with the local news and signs of support popping up all over our area. We are not alone, but we are not done yet. Lets finish strong.

Recruit, Retain, Respect!

In solidarity,
Liz Rainaud, FBC  and WSNA local unit chair
Rachel Yates, Family Medicine and WSNA local unit treasurer
Kim McCann, FBC  and WSNA local unit membership officer
Kyla Malean , OR  and Negotiating team member
Lacey Bernick, PERI OP  and Negotiating team member

Questions or comments, contact WSNA Organizer: 
Crystal Doll   CDoll@wsna.org or at 206 334-8388,
or Nurse Representative: Sue Dunlap SDunlap@wsna.org,
or any of your bargaining team members.

Be sure to follow us on Instagram - @WSNA_Skagit

WSNA union news

Resources and tools

Document unsafe conditions

If you find yourself in a situation that you believe creates unsafe conditions for patients or for you, you should complete a Staffing Complaint / ADO Form as soon as possible.

By completing the form, you will help make the problem known to management, creating an opportunity for the problem to be addressed. Additionally, you will be documenting the facts, which may be helpful to you later if there is a negative outcome.

WSNA also uses your ADO forms to track the problems occurring in your facility. When you and your coworkers take the important step of filling out an ADO form, you are helping to identify whether there is a pattern of unsafe conditions for you or your patients at your facilities. This information is used by your conference committee, staffing committee, and WSNA labor staff to improve your working conditions.

Learn more

Representation rights

As a union member, you have the right to have a representative present in any meetings with management that could potentially lead to disciplinary action against you.

If called into a meeting with management, read the following to management when the meeting begins:

If this discussion could in any way lead to my being disciplined or terminated, I respectfully request that my union representative be present at this meeting. Without representation present, I choose not to participate in this discussion.

Find out more about this crucial right and how to exercise it to ensure your fair treatment and protection.

Learn more

Continuing education offerings

Enhance your professional competency with WSNA's free online courses.

Earn CNE contact hours through topics like Cultural Humility, Telehealth Assessment, Workplace Violence Prevention, and more. Convenient and self-paced, our courses provide practical knowledge for your daily work. Expand your skills and stay up-to-date with the latest nursing practices.

Visit cne.wsna.org