
PPE Concerns

We are seeing an increase in respiratory illnesses and covid patients! And once again we are hearing concerns about PPE – adequacy, availability and use. Your family and your patients need you healthy! Your co-workers need you healthy!

WSNA has once again been in communication with management to advocate for adequate PPE for everyone providing patient care. Additionally, WSNA has been advocating at the state level and have had success in obtaining legislative orders to protect healthcare workers.

Once again, we need to hear from you and what you are really facing daily. The best way is the online ADO form www.wsna.org/ado which has categories for equipment (unlike the nurse staffing form used internally). Additionally, you can email any of your officers or your nurse rep directly!

Each of you is critical to the health of the community! Let’s work together to keep you safe and healthy.

In unity,
Liz Rainaud MSN, RN – Local Unit Chair:
Jessica Googe RN - Secretary
Hannah Guy BSN RN Treasurer
Kristi Perez RN CMSRN Secretary / Grievance Officer
Cheryl Pedersen RN – Grievance Officer
Rachel Yates RN – Co-Membership

Questions? Contact WSNA Nurse Representative Sue Dunlap at sdunlap@wsna.org.