
We hear your calls for a vote of no confidence in PeaceHealth leadership

WSNA hears your frustration with the slow movement from management at the bargaining table. We also know that many of you would like the union to move forward with a vote of no confidence in PeaceHealth leadership.

We want you to know that this is something that WSNA is considering; however, a move like a vote of no confidence is typically a last resort. In the age of Google, nurses voting that they have no confidence in hospital leadership can follow an executive indefinitely and have a detrimental impact on their future leadership opportunities.  WSNA is being intentionally deliberative in evaluating this possibility – we want a fair contract that expands career possibilities for our members, not the end of career possibilities for management. We also want to give management a chance to respond at the bargaining table after they see the strength of our support at the picket in two weeks.

Your bargaining team will continue to discuss this possible vote and plan to make a decision on how we will proceed sometime after our informational picket on April 18, 2024.

Follow us on Instagram for the latest from your bargaining team … https://www.instagram.com/phsw_nurses?igsh=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==.

In solidarity,

Your Bargaining Team
WSNA Co-Chair Didi Gray, Family Birth; WSNA Co-Chair Dawn Marick, Resource team; Secretary/Treasurer Duncan Camacho, ICU; Grievance Officer Erin Irwin, CVICU; Member at Large Talitha Wilson, ED; Dillon LeSieur, RRT/Critical Care; Dustin Weddle, ED; Jeryl Anderson, Case Management; Brooke Churchman, Home Hospice; Samantha Golden, IMCU; Joan Ngarachu, PACU; Toutu Rekucki, Cardiology

Please contact WSNA Nurse Rep Travis Elmore Nelson at telmore@wsna.org or 206-575-7979 ext. 3117 with questions or to find out what you can do to get a fair contract.