
Were you being charged for your insurance premium?

If you are currently a full-time (0.9FTE) and are under the current employer insurance plan for employee only, you may have noticed since January you were being charged for your insurance premium. WSNA had several meetings with your employer and agreed on the language in a Letter of Understanding to reflect the intent of the current contract language. Full-time nurses who have been paying insurance premiums for themselves only will be reimbursed for the amount that has been taken out since Jan. 1. The cost for family and spouse actually went down as of Jan. 1 and is not affected by this LOU.

Please be sure to thank those who participated in the discussions with management regarding this issue: Cheryl Bofman, Janice Schell, Elizabeth Martinez and Lovella Flores.

If you have any questions regarding the Letter of Understanding please feel free to contact Carmen Garrison at cgarrison@wsna.org or any of the officers.