
BSN Premium

Your new CBA at TG went into effect the day it was ratified, Dec. 16, 2019. It includes an advanced degree premium. You should receive $1/hr premium if you have any one of the following: BSN, MN, MSN, PhD in Nursing. You may only receive $1/hr premium regardless of the number of advanced degrees. No other advanced degree qualifies for this premium.

This premium goes into effect the first pay period after Feb. 1, 2020. We understand that many of you have already submitted proof of a qualifying advanced degree to HR, perhaps when you were hired. That is not sufficient.

In order to receive this premium, you must submit a request listing your qualifying advanced degree to the Employee Resource Center. They may request proof of your advanced degree. In addition, you may fax proof of your advanced degree to 253-403-7965. You are advised to keep a record of your request/submission so that in the event you are not paid this premium in a timely manner, you may receive backpay. You should not expect to receive this premium until you have requested it.

Questions? Contact WSNA Nurse Representative Sydne James, sjames@wsna.org