
A message from your WSNA officers

We are standing strong against union busters….Opt out of union busting emails today.

Refuse to be tormented and stop the harassment from the Freedom Foundation!

We know that the so-called “Freedom Foundation” continues to email nurses at UW Montlake and UW Northwest using an email address from “Opt Out Today.” This is a campaign in Freedom Foundation’s long-running efforts to erode worker power and destroy unions, and we won’t be fooled.

These spam emails want us to buy the argument that a weaker union is actually good for nurses, and that stopping paying dues won’t compromise our ability to win great contracts. That’s just not true. Think of the contract gains we have made over the past few years. These were due to the solidarity of WSNA union members standing together to improve their wages and working conditions.

We have negotiated agreements with management that our members have ratified time and again, and our hard work to enforce our contracts means a safe and fair work environment for you.

Freedom Foundation email harassment and how you can stop it

The persistent emails from the Freedom Foundation’s “Opt Out” campaign are nothing short of harassment. Fortunately, there are things you can do to stop getting these emails. Here are some ways you can block unwanted email from the Freedom Foundation:

  • Report email as Spam or Junk: Outlook and other email servers will often allow you to report messages as spam, which helps to identify and filter similar messages and those from the same sender as spam. (Right click on the message in your inbox to display blocking and reporting options.)
  • Block a Message: If your employer uses Outlook, you can block a message. This option will add the sender of the message to a block list and automatically mark any message from them as junk.
  • Contact Freedom Foundation’s email service provider, the Federal Trade Commission, and the Washington State Attorney General.
    Send to these three addresses, all in one email: support@vervemail.com spam@uce.gov CPRcontact@atg.wa.gov
    Here’s the message to send:
    “The Freedom Foundation sent me this SPAM at work without my permission. Please ask them to stop sending emails to me.”

 REMINDER: Do not reply to any email you receive from the Freedom Foundation or Opt Out Today from your work email. The emails we have seen from the Freedom Foundation to our members invite you to respond to this email with any questions you may have. Don’t risk violating state policy by responding from your work computer.

It doesn’t surprise us that the anti-worker, anti-union Freedom Foundation is putting the very workers they pretend to support in danger by sending emails to us at work. The Freedom Foundation knows – or should know – that responding to their emails at work could violate state policy and could lead to potential disciplinary action.

Why is the Freedom Foundation trying to convince us to give up our union voice?

In 2015, the Freedom Foundation stated their goal was to bankrupt and defeat labor unions. The group, funded by huge out-of-state donors, is, at its core, anti-worker and anti-union. Their goal is to undermine unions so they can implement an extreme agenda that includes cutting health care, pensions, and wages of workers, undermining funding and privatizing public services, and attacking the rights of underrepresented communities.

Learn more about how Opt Out Today is working to undermine worker power at: "Opt Out Today" Overview (accountablenw.org)

We are in this together!

As union nurses, we know we do our best work when we work together. Now more than ever we need every nurse to stand together in our union to ensure the best care for our community and the strongest voice for our profession.

Let’s not be fooled or harassed by an organization that aims to destroy our unity and our power.

Your WSNA Local Unit Officers

Questions? Contact WSNA Nurse Representative Ed Zercher at ezercher@wsna.org or WSNA Organizer Zachery Seikel at zseikel@wsna.org.