
Wound Care RNs Vote YES to Join WSNA!

Wound Ostomy Is Go

Congratulations to the nurses of the VMFH Wound Ostomy Department for unanimously deciding to join WSNA on May 1st, 2024. We are thrilled to welcome them into our union!

Your officers attended the vote as observers and are excited to continue growing our union as we work to negotiate a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) to bring them under the protection of the contract so they have access to the same wage scale, benefits, and workplace protections as the rest of VMFH RNs.

On this May Day, we acknowledge that this victory would not have been possible without the nurses who fought, organized, and won hard battles so that we can have a collective voice in our workplace. This success is just the beginning - we eagerly anticipate future organizing victories for VMFH nurses!

In Solidarity

Your officer team –

Chair - Hannah Collins-Lewis
Vice Chair - Michael Salters
Secretary - Kimberly Travis-Carter
Treasurer - Samuel Asencio
Grievance Officer - Donna Watts
Grievance Officer - Aaron Persinger
Grievance Officer - Kim Adekoya

WSNA Organizer Grace LaMonte, glamonte@wsna.org
WSNA Nurse Rep Sara Frey, sfrey@wsna.org.