
It is time to develop a slate of candidates for our Local Unit Officers

Our local unit’s strength and effectiveness is determined by the level of participation. Elected WSNA Local Unit Officers and appointed Unit Reps work in partnership with the WSNA Nurse Representative and are the backbone of our local unit. Overviews of each position are on the back of this form.

If you are interested in being a leader in our Local Unit or know someone who might be a great candidate, this is your opportunity to nominate yourself or someone whom you feel would fill the role well. Training for each of these positions will be provided. Officer terms are for three (3) years. All may succeed themselves.

Please nominate yourself or someone else. If you are nominating someone as Local Unit Officer, other than yourself, they will have to agree to be placed on the slate, so encourage them to run! If you are nominating yourself, please complete your own Consent to Serve form (link below).

All nominees must be members in good standing. Unit Reps are not required to complete the Consent to Serve forms and it is not an elected position. All nomination forms must be received by June 10, 2022.

https://wsna.to/Whidbeynom2022 for a nomination

https://wsna.to/Consent2022 for the consent to serve

Questions? Contact WSNA Organizer Crustal Doll at cdoll@wsna.org or WSNA Nurse Representative Sara Frey at sfrey@wsna.org.