
WSNA staff contacts

More than 2,055 signed in to support safe staffing standards legislation.

Jan 17, 2023

Since last session, the hospital staffing crisis has worsened; healthcare workers say safe staffing standards are the solution.

Jan 5, 2023

Report Includes strategies to improve nation’s healthcare facilities and concrete examples of successful implementation.

Nov 17, 2022

At least one hospital in Tacoma dealing with micro-tears that soak up and leak body fluids.

Nov 7, 2022

This legal win will make a world of difference to dozens of workers who were facing drastic deductions from their checks.

Nov 1, 2022

Tentative agreement with record raises comes 9 months before contract expires.

Oct 6, 2022

Historic contract comes after 12 bargaining sessions.

Aug 29, 2022

ONA and WSNA stand firm in our resolve that all people deserve access to health care services, when and where they need it, without financial hardship.

May 10, 2022

Focusing on blame and punishment solves nothing. It can only discourage reporting and drive errors underground. It not only undermines patient safety; it fosters an environment of fear and lack of respect for health care workers.

Apr 8, 2022

WSNA, SEIU Healthcare 1199NW and UFCW 3000 filed for a Temporary Restraining Order to prevent MultiCare Health System from garnishing wages without employees’ consent.

Mar 15, 2022