
WSNA staff contacts

Tentative agreement with record raises comes 9 months before contract expires.

Oct 6, 2022

Historic contract comes after 12 bargaining sessions.

Aug 29, 2022

ONA and WSNA stand firm in our resolve that all people deserve access to health care services, when and where they need it, without financial hardship.

May 10, 2022

Focusing on blame and punishment solves nothing. It can only discourage reporting and drive errors underground. It not only undermines patient safety; it fosters an environment of fear and lack of respect for health care workers.

Apr 8, 2022

WSNA, SEIU Healthcare 1199NW and UFCW 3000 filed for a Temporary Restraining Order to prevent MultiCare Health System from garnishing wages without employees’ consent.

Mar 15, 2022

Today the WA Safe + Healthy coalition released a joint statement on the state Senate failing to pass safe staffing standards for healthcare workers.

Mar 8, 2022

We call on employers to clarify their policies, and we call on the state to ensure workers cannot be forced to return while sick, or disciplined for refusing to work while symptomatic with COVID.

Jan 14, 2022

Today a coalition of healthcare workers launched the WA Safe + Healthy campaign calling on Washington legislators to pass safe staffing standards that protect healthcare workers from dangerously high patient loads.

Dec 13, 2021

Following the 11th bargaining session with St. Joseph’s Medical Center, nurses represented by the Washington State Nurses Association are launching a strike petition, the first step towards a potential strike if a contract cannot be reached.

Nov 18, 2021

WSNA stands with 32,000 nurses and health professionals including members of our AFT-affiliated nurses at Oregon Federation of Nurses and Health Professionals who intend to begin their strike at Kaiser Permanente locations in Washington, Oregon and California starting November 15.

Nov 10, 2021