Janet Holloway
Janet Holloway, MA, RNC, associate professor, continues to impact nursing practice through effective use of critical thinking strategies while teaching undergraduate baccalaureate students. She has helped to prepare more than 500 professional nurses through her commitment to teaching the beginning nursing students, the students for whom the best instructors are needed.
Jan's creative approaches to clinical instruction continually change. She utilizes new theoretical strategies and rapidly advancing technology in her educational curriculum. Jan is known as second author on a landmark study regarding Confusion in the Hospitalized Elderly. She has contributed to the development of a rating scale to assess computer programs, and Jan also uses interactive video discs for patient-care focused conferences, thus enabling her to remain in the forefront of her colleagues and curricular concerns. She has recently co-developed a new course elective on caring which will enable her to teach formally what so many students and RNs have experienced, her gentle yet focused consultations at the bedside.
Jan has consistently, and for many years, actively participated in local, state, and national activities of the Inland Empire Nurses Association, Washington State Nurses Association and American Nurses Association. She was instrumental in networking Eastern Washington nurses with former House Speaker Tom Foley; and thanks to Jan, many a nurse who was invited to join in on WSNA legislative committees or special projects continue to lobby for nursing.
Jan has been recognized by the alumnae of the Intercollegiate Center for Nursing Education (ICNE) as a nurse educator and leader whom they remember best as being a significant mentor in their educational formation and professional growth. The impact of her contributions will long be experienced by patients receiving care from Jan's lifetime of students.