Election results for 2023 – 2025 biennium
Congratulations to these WSNA members elected by their peers to serve in positions of leadership during our 2023 – 2025 biennium!
June 28, 2023 • 2 minutes, 47 seconds to read

Congratulations to these WSNA members elected by their peers to serve in positions of leadership during our 2023 – 2025 biennium!
The Board has many responsibilities, including ensuring the priorities adopted by the WSNA General Assembly are incorporated in the strategic plan for each biennium. The Board also approves the budget for WSNA and appoints and reviews the executive director. Board members act as ambassadors for WSNA, representing the association to the membership and other organizations as appropriate.
The chairs of the Cabinet on Economic and General Welfare, Legislative and Health Policy Council, and Professional Nursing and Health Care Council are elected separately and serve as full members of the Board by virtue of their offices. Two of the director-at-large positions must be filled by non-managerial, non-supervisory, direct patient care providers represented by WSNA for collective bargaining.
Justin Gill
Julia Barcott
Martha Goodall
Chair, Labor Executive Council
Edna Cortez
Chair, Legislative & Health Policy Council
Erin Allison
Chair, Professional Nursing & Health Care Council
Mikey Ann O’Sullivan
Directors at large
John Gustafson
Pamela Pasquale
Heather Stephen-Selby
Directors at large (staff nurses)
Sara M. Bergenholtz
Kelsey Gellner
The Labor Executive Council (formerly the Cabinet on Economic & General Welfare) is the governing body for WSNA’s union work. The council develops and reviews policies and procedures relating to collective bargaining contract administration, contract enforcement, organizing and other WSNA labor relations activities. Members of the council must be represented for collective bargaining by WSNA.
Edna P. Cortez
(David) Jacob Garcia
Jon Olson
Members at large
Susie Cervantes
Yunna Flenord
Anne Landen
Jessica Lewellen
Shelly Melissa Mead
Ruby Crisostomo Tan
Tristan Twohig
The PNHCC forecasts trends, promotes continuing education programs, addresses issues on nursing practice and collaborates with other nursing and specialty organizations. The council also develops resources on issues relating to nursing practice, education, human rights and access to health care.
Mikey Ann O’Sullivan
Rachel Wang
Antwinett O. Lee
Ethics & Human Rights
Chisula “Chi” Chambers
Alycia Taha
Gordon West
Members at large
Anjanette Bryant
(four more to be appointed)
The Legislative and Health Policy Council sets the annual health policy and legislative agenda for WSNA and plays an active role in reviewing and advancing WSNA’s legislative priorities. The council also reviews proposed legislation and makes decisions on WSNA’s stance and actions based on recommendations from staff, contract lobbyists and members. Council members represent the membership by serving in a politically non-partisan capacity.
Erin Allison
Members at large
Ingrid Anderson
Emily Kay
Kathleen Thompson
(three more to be appointed)
During WSNA elections, the committee requests nominations for office and reviews all completed Consent to Serve forms. Committee members prepare the slate of qualified candidates and recommend chairpersons and members for special committees.
Luz Alvarez
Chuck Cumiskey
Susan (Sue) K. Glass
Teri Trillo
During WSNA elections, the Labor Nominating / Search Committee (formerly the E&GW Nominating / Search Committee) requests nominations and prepares the slate of candidates for election to the Labor Executive Council, delegates to the biennial American Federation of Teachers (AFT) Convention, and the committee itself. This committee is restricted to members represented by WSNA for collective bargaining.
Lisa Bullek
Carina Price
Jared Richardson
Because WSNA is an affiliate of AFT, a national union, WSNA sends delegates to AFT’s national convention every biennium. These delegates bring the Washington state voice to the national table. As of June 2023, the 2024 AFT Convention is scheduled to take place in person July 22-25, 2024, in Houston, Texas. Delegates are restricted to members represented by WSNA for collective bargaining.
Edna Cortez – Ranking Delegate
Luz Alvarez
Julia Barcott
Anjanette Bryant
Clara Bucio
Lisa Bullek
Susie Cervantes
Emily Nollmeyer D’Anna
Anita Dennis
David Drew
Yunna Flenord
(David) Jacob Garcia
Martha Goodall
Teresa Hill
Evette Kendall
Anne Landen
Jessica Lewellen
Shelly Mellissa Mead
Jon Olson
Carina Price
- Ruby Crisostomo Tan
- Kathleen Thompson
- Tristan Twohig
- Annika Hoogestraat
- Kelsey Gellner
The ANA Membership Assembly is the governing and official voting body of the American Nurses Association (ANA). Because WSNA members are also members of ANA, WSNA sends delegates to the annual assembly to ensure that priority nursing issues are addressed on a national level. As of June 2023, the time, date and location of the event has not yet been announced.
Justin Gill (per bylaws, by virtue of being elected President)
Julia Barcott
Sara M. Bergenholtz
Edna P. Cortez
Susan (Sue) K. Glass
Martha Goodall
Jennifer A. Graves
John Gustafson
Judith (Judy) Huntington
Mikey Ann O’Sullivan
Ruby Crisostomo Tan
Tristan Twohig
Lynnette Vehrs
If WSNA is allotted more than 13 representatives to the ANA Membership Assembly, or one cannot go, additional elected alternate representatives are chosen to attend. Elected alternates in order of votes are:
- Anjanette Bryant
- Susie Cervantes
- Kelsey Gellner
- Anita Stull
- Anne Landen
- Heather Stephen-Selby
- Jessica Lewellen
- Evette Kendall
- Jon Olson
- Alycia Taha
- Annika Hoogestraat