WSNA stands in support of NYSNA nurses on strike
WSNA stands in support of the 7,000 NYSNA nurses on strike against Montefiore and Mt. Sinai hospitals in New York.
January 11, 2023 • less than 1 minute to read

WSNA stands in support of the 7,000 nurses on strike against Montefiore and Mt. Sinai hospitals in New York. These nurses, organized by the New York State Nurses Association, are standing up for safe staffing, fair compensation, and a fair contract. WSNA sends its solidarity!
NOTE: The NYSNA nurses strike for safe staffing ended the morning of Jan. 12 in a historic victory as tentative deals were reached with both Montefiore Bronx and Mount Sinai Hospital. Nurses won concrete enforceable safe staffing ratios in both deals. Learn more.