Early bird rate extended for convention until Jan. 31
Our Convention rates this year are our lowest in more than a decade to make the Convention even more accessible to our members.
January 15, 2025 • less than 1 minute to read

WSNA has extended the opportunity to register for the 2025 Washington State Nurses Convention to Jan. 31. The early bird rate is $300 for the three-day conference at the Tacoma Convention Center so that as many people as possible can take advantage of these special rates.
The convention is being held from April 30-May 2 and will deal with some of the biggest issues in nursing today and bring nurses from around the state together to move our profession forward.
Our Convention rates this year are our lowest in more than a decade to make the Convention even more accessible to our members.
We also have a retiree rate of only $200.
Convention will provide a year’s worth of CNE, ability to speak out on WSNA’s direction, exciting keynotes and panels, our Awards Gala, great food, and time to connect with other nurses.