
Negotiation update #4

We met for our fourth negotiation session on August 15, 2019. The employer came with a proposal to reduce our health benefits by eliminating the 900/1800 plan and removing the Anthem Blue Cross/Blue Shield and increasing nurses’ premium costs. The new third party plan administrator is Meritain Health/Aetna and we are researching what changes may take place in your access to medical care with this new plan.

Based on feedback from nurses, we have made a proposal for a fair and equitable wage and step system. This recognizes value in seniority. Thanks to everyone that came to the local unit meeting on August 7, 2019. Watch for more to come!

Ask us how to load the Staffing Complaint/ADO form on your phone for easy submission..

Our next session is Sept. 24, 2019.

In solidarity from your Negotiating Team,
Anna Pyfrom and Heather Wantz

For any questions, please contact Hanna Welander, WSNA Nurse Rep, (206) 575-7979, Ext. 3035 or hwelander@wsna.org.