
WSNA podcast: The Local 98801

CWH nurses have a listen to our first ever WSNA podcast! We will be doing a podcast every week to keep you all engaged and informed throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, contract negotiations and beyond.

The podcast was created and is hosted by your membership officer Sara Bergenholtz. In the future we will have guests, like unit reps, officers, negotiation team members, and WSNA staff join the podcast.

Note: You will have to create a spreaker account to listen, and it is free. You can listen on all your devices.

Questions? Contact WSNA Organizer Zach Seikel at zseikel@wsna.org. Or get in touch with the host Sara Bergenholtz at: sarabergenholtz8@gmail.com.

In other news: The Clinical Ladder MOU passed the ratification vote. You can view the MOU on this page by looking for it in the documents section. A direct link is below.

Questions? Contact WSNA Nurse Representative Carmen Garrison at cgarrison@wsna.org.