WSNA nurses have been heard!
Posted Jan 6, 2023

WSNA nurses have been seen and heard! You showed unity in the workplace. You came together in local unit meetings and calls. You showed up and called into the board of commissioners’ meetings. You came to committee meetings and had lengthy, difficult, candid discussions with leadership.
As a result, the employer has agreed that wage corrections are critical to the retention and recruitment of EvergreenHealth nurses and have agreed to an 8 percent pay raise across all pay steps, effective this Sunday, January 8, 2023! This is in addition to the contractual 3.5 percent raise coming on November 1, 2023, which will be a cumulative increase of 11.5 percent this year!

WSNA thanks the employer and the Board for hearing you and aligning your wages with the region. This is a huge win that you deserved so much for all the hard work and heartache you’ve experienced over the past few years.
Wages are a good first step. WSNA nurses are building momentum and we know that wages alone will not fix everything. We need to continue to work together to build a strong and unified WSNA Evergreen unit to take on some complicated issues that need to be immediately addressed.
Membership matters more now than ever! If you are not a member, why not? We would love to have one of our fellow Evergreen nurses follow up and address your concerns.
If you’d like to talk, contact Nurse Representative Bret Percival at or 206-471-0786. Bret can get you in touch with an officer or a unit representative working in your clinical area.
In unity,
Theresa Blazer, FMC, Local Unit Chair
Holly Baker, Kirkland ED, Treasurer
Sandy Gott, FMC, Grievance Officer