
WSNA news July 12, 2022

Rest Between Shifts

It is VERY important to let WSNA know if you have not been receiving your “Rest Between Shifts” pay per the contract. If you did not get a minimum of 11 hours off between two shifts, the second shift should be paid at 1½ X.

Section 8: Rest Between Shifts.
8 .1 Each employee shall have an unbroken rest period of at least eleven (11) hours between shifts unless mutually agreed to between the Employer and employee. All time worked within the eleven (11) hour requirement and continuing until the completion of the shift shall be paid at time and one-half (I 1/2) the employee's regular rate of pay.

8.2 This Section shall not apply to on-call, callback, in-service education offerings,committee meetings or staff meetings.

NOTE: There is now a line item on your pay stub titled WA Union BRBS
Be sure to check to see if you were paid Rest Between Shifts pay on that line.

WSNA is currently working on a Union Grievance. Please let me know by Monday 7/18 if you are missing Rest Between Shifts pay. Janet Stewart jstewart@wsna.org

Contract Negotiations Update

  • Attend In-Person Union Meeting – Sunday July 17 at 2 p.m.
    • Rainier Olympic Nurses Association (RONA) office. 4115 Bridgeport Way West Suite F. University Place 98466.
    • We need all of you to attend. We scheduled this on a day the clinics are closed in hopes of maximum participation. This is your contract and we need your voice and energy. We will be discussing strategy that we don’t want to post publicly. Pizza and beverages will be provided. You will receive a text message reminder.
  • Wear “I support my Negotiations Team” stickers at work every day
  • Join Facebook Group – WSNA Fresenius RNs
  • Take pictures of yourself with our WSNA sticker. Send pics to jstewart@wsna.org

Update regarding the WSNA grievance filed in September 2021

Article 14 Section 11: “An existing nurse’s hourly rate shall not be less than newly hired nurses with comparable or less experience.”

The settlement only involves nurses who were “affected” – meaning those who received a pay correction/ increase on January 23, 2022 and were still employed at the time the settlement offer was made. That January pay increase was to bring your hourly rate up to where a newer employee with comparable or less experience was. (The basis for this case). You should have received an email from jstewart@wsna.org on July 1, 2022 if you will be receiving a settlement payment on July 15, to compensate for lost wages. Feel free to email me with any questions.

Janet Stewart
WSNA Nurse Representative