
Announcing WSNA Nurse Representative change

I am very pleased to announce that effective immediately, Hanna Welander BSN, RN, will be the WSNA Nurse Representative for Island Hospital nurses.

We at WSNA experience changes in assignments like all of you do. I have truly been blessed by working with all of you. Thank you for the privilege of being your Nurse Representative these last few years.

Please see below for a brief introduction from Hanna herself including her contact information.

Sue Dunlap

I have had the good fortune of representing Island nurses in the past and am excited to return! I have been with WSNA going on 18 years. Together with your WSNA Officers at Island, I look forward to addressing your union concerns and questions.

Hanna Welander, BSN RN
Office: (206) 575-7979, Ext. 3035