
February 2023 Newsletter

Your negotiation survey is ready to go!

Yes! It’s that time again. We are actively preparing for upcoming negotiations. Our contract expires October 31, 2023. The first step is collecting information from our members. This survey is one of our most essential steps as we prepare to negotiate a new contract for all of our nurses. Your input is critical in determining our priorities. We can’t represent you effectively in negotiations unless we know your issues and concerns before we start bargaining.

Take a moment to complete this survey now. The power of representation comes from the willingness of registered nurses to unite in strength! Remember, for your WSNA Negotiating Team to be an effective, strong, influential voice for you at the table, we need your membership and involvement. If you are not already a member, become one now: https://www.wsna.org/membership/application.

Important Update: New Grievance Officer

We are pleased to announce the appointment of Kate Scherer as a Grievance Officer. Kate works in the Emergency Department. Please take a moment to say thank you for her service.

Current grievances:

We have two active grievances that are both at step three of the grievance procedure:

  1. Donning and doffing of hospital-required scrubs. Nurses who are required to wear scrubs provided by the hospital, such as in surgical services and the birth center, are to be paid during that time. If you work in a department that requires those scrubs, clock in first, then change.
  2. Low census not rotated equitably, Surgical Services. We have found that low census has not been rotated properly. Some nurses were forced to take more than 48 hours of mandatory low census, which is a contract violation.

For questions, please get in touch with one of us or the WSNA Nurse Rep Hanna Welander at hwelander@wsna.org

In solidarity and unity,
Adrian Fewing, Chair; Heather Bush, Vice-Chair; Mary Wexman, Grievance Officer; Kate Scherer, Grievance Officer