
Negotiation Update: Session Two

We met for our second bargaining session on June 23, 2023.  We received management’s initial proposal which we are carefully reviewing.  Their wage proposal was not enough to make us competitive with nearby facilities, and at our next session we will present what nurses are paid at other hospitals. Recruitment and retention need to be everyone’s priority.  We will work hard to get us to the market wage so you can afford to stay at Island Hospital and continue to grow here.  We were able to come to a tentative agreement on a couple of housekeeping issues, cleaning up language that reflects the change to 12-hour shifts.  Our next session is scheduled for Friday, June 30. 

In solidarity from your  bargaining team
Adrian Fewing, Heather Bush, Mary Wexman, and Kate Scherer

Sticker Up In Support of Your Bargaining Team!

We ask everyone to button up or sticker up with WSNA in support of your bargaining team this Friday.  Stickers and buttons will be available at the water bottle distribution described below. 

Come to the Cafeteria Annex Thursday, June 29!

We will be distributing infuser water bottles with WSNA Island Health RN logo.  Please stop by and grab bottles for your unit or coworkers. 

Location:  Cafeteria Annex
Date and Time:  1600-1900, June 29, 2023

Stickers and buttons will also be available.  Grab a bunch and distribute them to all your coworkers!  Show management we are united in support of us, your bargaining team!

Nurse Staffing Committee Representatives Needed!

We need NSC representation in Oncology and Surgical Services. We want to ensure every unit is represented.  That way, we can best address the needs and issues for everyone.  If you are interested, please get in touch with hwelander@wsna.org or WSNA Chair Adrian Fewing at Adrianfewing@hotmail.com.  You must be a WSNA dues-paying member to participate.  Thanks!