
Kadlec nurses under assault

Nurses at Kadlec shouldn’t be afraid for our lives when we go to work, yet several nurses were seriously assaulted by the very patients for whom they were caring. The two most recent preventable events in the ED and ICU have brought to light the risk that every nurse takes on a daily basis.

It’s time to take action:

1. We have taken immediate and swift action. A demand for action letter was sent to the CAO and CNO on Tuesday, Sept. 18, insisting they respond to this serious threat to nurses and staff. View the urgent letter here.

2. The recent incidents are not isolated. Many of us have been victims or have witnessed violence in our workplace. Please take a few minutes to fill out our Workplace Violence & Safe Staffing survey. Your personal information will be kept confidential.

3. Together, we can and must make Kadlec a safe place for our nurses, colleagues and patients. Attend a post negotiations meeting on Thursday, Sept. 27, from 5-8 p.m. in the Ringold Room at the hospital.

  • Wear WSNA buttons now through our next day of negotiations on Tuesday, Sept. 25.
  • Take pictures on your units wearing the buttons and holding signs and send it to WSNA Nurse Representative Carmen Garrison at cgarrison@wsna.org or text to 206-491-9424.

From your local unit officers,

Martha Galvez, Chair
Jacob Garcia, Vice Chair
Vanessa Douglas, Secretary
Joan Guercia, Treasurer
Kathy Peot, Grievance Officer
Toni Ledridge, Grievance Officer
Raquel Johnson, Member-at-Large
Carmen Garrison, WSNA Nurse Rep

For any questions or concerns, please contact WSNA Nurse Representative Carmen Garrison at cgarrison@wsna.org or at 206-491-9424.