
Negotiation update

Our Bargaining Team met with the Federal Mediator and Providence Management on Saturday, Sept. 7. WSNA made new proposals on Workplace Violence and Low Census. Unfortunately, Providence management insists on holding on to contract language allowing it to reinstate mandatory low census, and we otherwise saw little movement. We were forced to reschedule our meeting on Monday, Sept. 9, due to a family medical emergency of our nurse representative, Jayson Dick. We are seeking another date before we are scheduled to meet again on Oct. 25.

Providence continues to demand the cuts to our PTO accrual and decrease the PTO cap. They are now offering, on a one-time basis for nurses subject to immediate large PTO cuts, an hours dump of a 8-24 hours in each of the next two years and some cash incentives to those with over 30 years of service.

The reality is that these small hour dumps do nothing to erase the steady decline in PTO accrual which will result in huge cumulative PTO losses over time, nor fix the slashed PTO caps which, when quickly hit, will halt PTO accrual altogether. Don’t be fooled by management’s so-called PTO projections, as they do not begin to account for the long-term impacts of their enormous PTO cuts. Nearly 2 out of 3 nurses (67%) impacted will lose earned PTO hours under management's proposal.

A lot will be happening at Kadlec very soon!

In Solidarity :

Your Bargaining team
Jacob Garcia (CDU), Martha Galvez (Birth Center), Vanessa Douglas (ICU), Toni Ledridge (PAS), Kathy Peot (Resource), Marianne Sturtevant (OR), Meri Bukovinsky (CDU), Joyce McMurphy (NICU), Joy Barclay (DI)

Questions? Call WSNA Nurse Rep Jayson Dick. MBA, BSN, RN, at 206-858-2139.