Summer Newsletter 2024
Posted Aug 14, 2024

WSNA is supportive of the SEIU Kadlec members in their negotiations for a fair contract. We are very much aware of the difficulties that they have been experiencing at the bargaining table.
While our contract prevents WSNA from picketing or striking in the middle of our contract, we can show support by wearing supportive stickers, buttons, wear SEIU t-shirts, sign petitions and participate in off- site rallies for SEIU.
You are not obligated to pick up extra shifts. There is no mandatory overtime. It is the employer’s responsibility to ensure safe staffing for the duration of the strike.
Remember to file an ADO and an HRP (Incident report) as needed.
19.1 Prohibition. The Employer and the Association realizing that a hospital is different in its operation from industries because of type of service rendered to the community, and for humanitarian reasons agree that there shall be no lock-outs on the part of the Employer nor suspension of work on the part of the employees, it being one of the purposes of this Agreement to guarantee that there shall be no strikes, picketing, lock-outs, sympathetic strikes, sympathetic picketing, work stoppages, or work slowdowns, and that all disputes will be settled as herein provided.
Hospital Staffing Committee
This meeting meets monthly and is co-chaired by Meri Bukovinsky and Kathy Christensen. It is mandated by law and described within the collective bargaining agreement. (See 15.3-15.3 in the Collective Bargaining Agreement)
The Staff nurse committee members are Meri Bukovinsky (CDU), Tim Davis (PAU), Anita Dennis (PAU), Brent Knutzen (ICU), Melissa Morris (KCHO), Kaitlyn Myers (SUR) and Jamie Woodall (FSED)
This committee reviews Assignment Despite Objection (ADOs) submissions. Every time a nurse submits, it is sent to WSNA and Nurse Rep. It then is emailed to the WSNA committee members and the manager. It is the responsibility of the manager to have a verbal conversation about the ADO as well as submit a written response to the nurse and the committee. If this is not happening to you, we want to know.
If there is any patient harm or safety concern, this includes staff safety, please file a QRR in addition to an ADO.
The following ADOs have been written for unsafe staffing, such as leads taking patients and unable to assist the unit, buddy breaks, WPV, forced to take a lead role, holding patients in PAU, to name a few.
Nurses are invited to attend the Hospital Staffing Committee to listen to or add any further information.
April (3)
PAU- 1
May (24)
SUR- 4
June (18)
The Hospital Staffing Committee has completed the charter and has submitted it to DOH. Next, the committee will be reviewing and voting on the staffing matrixes.
Conference Committee
This committee meets monthly with the Officers, Kirk Harper, and HR. The many topics that we have been discussing:
- PTO accrual is based on hours worked; therefore, you will earn PTO up to 80 hours even though your FTE is less than full time.
- RNs who wish to become SANE will need to go through their manager, then they can reach out to Chrissy Thorsten, ED/FSED Educator, and she can assist in the process. Once oriented, the RN can become an eligible member for the list.
- Meal breaks: There is an FAQ on the caregiver website regarding the process to change a meal waiver. An RN may change their second meal waiver at anytime prior to the time in the shift before the second meal. Example: RN is scheduled to work 7a-7p and has a signed waiver for the second meal in place. The RN is asked to work until 9p. The RN may elect to change their meal waiver to ensure they receive a second meal due to the long shift. However, the RN will need to change the waiver each time a change is made.
- Workplace Violence: Ongoing issues with data, membership and voting ability.
Rest and Meal Breaks
- A meal period is not required for an employee working < five consecutive hours.
- A meal period is required for an employee working >than five hours: 30 minutes between the 2nd and 5th hours of work.
- A second meal 30-minute meal period is given for an employee within 5 hours of the end of the first meal period, and for each five hours worked thereafter.
- Employees that work at least three hours longer than their regularly scheduled shift are allowed a meal period before or during the overtime portion of the shift.
- An unpaid meal period is at least 30 minutes of uninterrupted time if completely relieved from duty.
- A meal period is paid if the employee is required to remain on duty at the work site in the interest of the employer.
- An employee may request to waive a single/multiple meals period(s) in advance of the scheduled meal period.
- An employee’s request to waive a meal period is entirely voluntary on the part of the employee.
- An employee may not agree to waive a meal period after the missed period.
- An employee may withdraw the request to waive a meal period(s) or request that a meal period be reinstated at any time.
- An employee may request to waive a meal period timing (e.g., the first meal period may occur after the fifth hour of work)
For more information use the link below:
Investigatory Meetings
If you are notified by you manager that you must attend an investigatory meeting, please invoke your Weingarten Rights (On the other side of your badge buddy) You have the right to have a Grievance Officer or your Nurse Representative (Laurie Robinson) to attend. If there is an outcome meeting with any corrective action, a grievance may be filed, it MUST be done so within 14 days.
Currently there are 8 active grievances and 5 that have moved to arbitration. Our Grievance Officers attend investigatory meetings and grievance meetings whenever possible. Their work is imperative in seeking out information related to what we are seeing as current problems. Some issues are only in one unit and others are throughout the facility. If we are able to resolve this through discussion at the Conference Committee this alleviates the need for the grievance process.
WSNA has filed 4 Unfair Laor Practice charges against Kadlec. These are related to retaliation for union activity and voicing concerns for safe staffing. The NLRB is investigating these charges.
Unit Reps
We are still looking for Unit Reps. The training is free. If you are interested in keeping your unit quickly informed sign up for a class today!
If you have questions, contact Ryan Rosenkranz our Nurse Organizer or 206-867-4627
For any questions or concerns please contact one of the Officers or Nurse Rep
Meri Bukovinsky (CDU) Chair 208-739-3439
Jamie Woodall (FSED) Co-Chair 509-572-1091
Quan Dang (Resource) Secretary/Treasurer 806-679-4291
Anita Dennis (PAU) Grievance Officer 509-781-3011
Deborah Langston (PAU) Grievance Officer 509-531-2257 or
Jessica Cardenas (4RP) Grievance Officer 509-831-3549 or
Zak Mendoza (ICU) Member At Large 509-551-5264
Franklin Guillen Alvarez (7RP) Member at Large 509-331-6081
Yareli Pedrosa Garcia (ED) Member at Large 509-831-1243
Laurie Robinson Nurse Representative
Cell: 206-620-4136
WSNA Membership: If you are not a WSNA member please consider completing a membership application today.