
Member news: 2018 December newsletter

Introducing your new WSNA nurse representative, Terri Williams, MS, RN

I have been a RN since December 2004, a third career for me. My nursing background is Oncology and End of Life Care. I’ve been with WSNA as a nurse representative for six and a half years and love being an advocate for nurses.

I’m excited to represent the nurses at Kindred First Hill and look forward to hearing from and meeting each and every one of you. I am also excited to speak to nurses who may want to get involved in leadership of the bargaining unit. There are many ways to participate, contribute and grow the nurses’ power and voice.

Feel free to reach out to me at any time at twilliams@wsna.org or 206-575-7979, ext. 3058.

Get involved

Every hospital can elect local unit officers to represent their facility. If you are interested or know of someone who might be, nominate yourself or them by contacting me.

Training is provided for all Local Unit Officer positions.

There are other ways to get involved besides a leadership (officer) position. You could be a unit representative, take part in contract negotiations or volunteer to help write newsletters, etc. For more information, please email me.

Document unsafe conditions

If you find yourself in a situation that you believe creates unsafe conditions for patients or for you, please complete an Assignment Despite Objection (ADO) form as soon as possible. Give one copy to your manager, fax or scan a copy to me and keep a copy for yourself.

By completing the form, you will make the problem known to management and the Union, creating an opportunity for the problem to be addressed. Additionally, you will be documenting the facts, which may be helpful to you later if there is a negative outcome.

WSNA also uses your ADO forms to track the problems that may be occurring in your facility. When you and your co-workers take the important step of filling out an ADO form, you are helping to identify whether there is a pattern of unsafe conditions for you or your patients at your facilities. If you would like paper copies of the ADO, give me a call and I’ll mail them to you. Find more information and a downloadable form at wsna.org/union/ado.

Contract corner

Pasted below is language from your contract:

Article 29 – Committees:


  • A standing Labor Management Committee consisting of no more than three (3) members of management and three (3) bargaining unit members designated by the Union shall meet upon the request of either party for the purpose of discussing matters of mutual interest and concern. There shall be two (2) Co-Directors of the Committee; one each from management and the Bargaining Unit. A Union Representative and Human Resources or Labor Relations representative may attend these meetings. Agendas for such meetings shall be exchanged one week prior to the scheduled meeting. The Hospital will compensate the three (3) bargaining unit members for all lost work time spent in the above-referenced meetings up to a maximum of one (1) hours base pay but shall not compensate employees if not scheduled to work during the meeting times. The parties shall work cooperatively to schedule meetings at mutually convenient times. The review of ADO forms may be an agenda item at the request of either party.

Your previous WSNA nurse representative states the Conference Committee has not met since June 2018. Does that mean there are NO issues in your facility that need to be discussed with management? If there are issues to discuss, let’s make sure we take advantage of this committee.

If you are interested in being one of the three RNs that would discuss these matters, let me know. I am very happy to attend them with you on a regular basis. This is a time for ANY matters - on any unit - to be discussed with management. And, you will be paid for your time spent in this meeting!

Upcoming WSNA events

Mark your calendars for upcoming WSNA events that may interest you. Find out more about all these events (including how to register), by visiting WSNA website often.

Jan. 28, 8 a.m.-1 p.m. is Advocacy Camp.

The goal of WSNA’s 2019 Advocacy Camp is to educate nurses, nursing faculty and nursing students about the legislative process and about how to effectively advocate for nurses and patients when meeting with legislators. This year’s event will take place at the Red Lion Hotel in Tumwater.

Feb. 28, 8:30 a.m.-4 p.m. is Nurse Lobby Day.

The goal of WSNA’s Lobby Day is to advance our legislative priorities that support nurses and patient safety. This event will include a morning briefing session to help participants get up-to-speed on key issues before the legislature. Time will also be spent role-playing to prepare for afternoon appointments with your legislators. After lunch, you will head up to the hill to attend meetings with your legislators. This is a great opportunity for nurses to talk with their lawmakers about key issues, such as the need for uninterrupted rest breaks, as well as funding for school nurses, nursing education faculty and public health.

May 1-3 is the Washington State Nurses Convention.

This bi-annual convention is at Tulalip Casino. You have the opportunity to earn 24 CNE credits and members may get registration and hotel fees covered with local unit funds. If you are interested, contact me, WSNA Nurse Rep Terri Williams, at twilliams@wsna.org.