
Thank you for voting

The retention bonus was ratified with a unanimous and resounding “YES”. Use the button below to see a copy and download the file. You can also always find copies of important documents like your contract and any MOUs or LOUs on the local unit web page at wsna.org.

We had a great turnout for the vote. Thank you to everyone who took the time to stop by and vote. It was so good to see you all other than on a computer screen.

There seemed to be some confusion over why we needed to have the vote (either in person or electronically). While the WSNA E&GW Cabinet has given us permission to not put COVID-19 related agreements to a vote of the membership, the retention bonus is being offered as a Thank You from management for everyone who has remained employed throughout this pandemic. We believed it would be best to bring this one to a vote. We were on a tight turnaround for this so we thought it would be best if we did a live vote.

Thank you all for masking up and respecting social distancing at the vote.

In Solidarity,
Your Local Unit Officers and WSNA Nurse Representative Carmen Garrison, BSN, RN