
Vaccine mandate update

By now many of you have already received a copy of the Vaccine Mandate plan sent out by your employer, KVH. WSNA is in the process of negotiating the effects of the mandate on our members. We had our first meeting with management today and gave them our first proposal. We are scheduled to meet back with management Aug. 31.

If you are seeking an exemption, contact hr@kvhealthcare.org no later than September 3. There are many State and Federal laws requiring the employer to provide reasonable accommodations. You must follow the directions provided to you regarding 2 types of exemptions. The forms are entitled, “Request for Accommodation: Medical exemption from COVID-19 Vaccination” and “Request for Accommodation: Religious Exemption from COVID-19 vaccination”.

These forms were sent out by your employer last week along with their plan and a letter.

If you have any questions, please email Carmen Garrison at cgarrison@wsna.org