
AMA with Sam Scholl, your WSNA Nurse Rep

What: AMA (Ask Me Anything)

Where: Our Private Facebook Group

When: Tuesday May 11 1800-2000

With the contract vote on Wednesday, we want to try and answer any outstanding questions you may have. Nurse Representative Sam Scholl will be doing an AMA ,or ask me anything, on our private Facebook Group Tuesday, May 11, from 6 to 8 p.m. This will be a space to ask your questions and have them answered in real time. We can discuss the proposed changes to the contract or any questions you have about WSNA in general or issues and concerns in your unit. Please join us on the private Facebook group. If you are not a member of the group, you can join via the link or type in Overlake RNs in your Facebook search bar.

Join the group here: www.facebook.com/groups/OverlakeRNs

Sam Scholl BSN, RN

Nurse Representative
