
COVID notifications as per the Governor's proclamation

Without conferring with WSNA, Overlake recently sent WSNA members a release of information form related to Governor Inslee’s Proclamation of December 3. Overlake did so without explaining that, in order for the Hospital to continue providing certain services, the Governor has ordered that hospitals notify their health care employees and, if the employee assents, their union within 24 hours of a known or suspected high-risk workplace exposure to SARS-COV-2.

These notification requirements are important protections for front-line health care employees, and WSNA supports the Governor’s directive that Overlake notify employees of workplace exposure of SARS-COV-2. Additionally, there are important reasons why employees would want their union to know about the workplace exposure as well. Here are three reasons why:

  1. As a clearinghouse for exposure information, the Union is well-positioned to ensure that Overlake nurses have been notified of potential SARS-COV-2 exposure within 24 hours of exposure so that our friends, families, and community are protected.
  2. The Union can ensure that Overlake remains accountable and transparent about exposure notification, tracking, and a safe working environment.
  3. With exposure information , the Union will ascertain that Overlake nurses are aware of the full scope of benefits afforded through our contract and the systems designed to support essential workers during the pandemic.

If you provide consent, Overlake will be required to notify WSNA of exposure. The Union will work with all of us to ensure our rights are protected and that we all have access to available contractual and state benefits. WSNA respects the right of Overlake nurses to not share exposure information if they so choose. The Union commits to keeping confidential individual nurse’s exposure information.

We find Overlake’s initial notice regrettable and misleading in its tone. We hope that the Hospital will commit to increased transparency with us as we prepare for our upcoming contract negotiations and work together to keep our workplace as safe as possible during these times.

If you have further questions or concerns, please contact your WSNA Nurse Representative Sam Scholl sscholl@wsna.org.