
Negotiation Update-Session #13

IMG 2084

We met for our 13th negotiation session on Monday, March 20, 2023.

We have seen more movement from the county and reached several tentative agreements. But the county remains stuck at 4% and 4% for the annual wage increases, stating “that’s what has been budgeted.” We maintain that in order to recruit and retain staff, the wage increases need to be higher. The county acknowledged the need, but so far remains unwilling to increase its general wage increase offer. We will keep pushing them.

Some good news! The County’s last economic proposal included pay parity for the RN classification, both in CHS and JHS. Under that proposal, the wage increases would be phased in after ratification. The gap between the two classifications will be eliminated over the course of the contract. First, the wage will be increased so that 50% of the gap is eliminated. Then, in January 2024, RN rates will be increased so that the remaining gap is eliminated, bringing the RNs up to the same wage rate as the PHNs. A huge win! In addition, we reached a tentative agreement on Continuing Education to include improved proration of hours after the first year of employment, based on the FTE each January 1.

We read your compelling stories aloud to management at the bargaining table. They were powerful reminders for every one of the sacrifices you all have made and the commitment to public health you continue to demonstrate each day. Keep them coming! The county needs to know this contract matters to all the nurses.

Share your story about safety, staffing, and other issues you have experienced over the last couple of years!

Our negotiating team will be meeting with Dr. Khan. Take a moment and sign the petition now. This shows management that we are UNITED! The response so far from nurses has been outstanding.

We continue to work on parking for KCCF dayshift, given that this shift's bus routes are not available for so many nurses. In addition to cost, parking remains a safety issue. We continue to hear reports of threats and safety incidents on the bus involving nurses. Do report such events to your Supervisor, but don't stop there. Take a couple of minutes to submit an online ADO for any safety and/or staffing concern. This is how we keep the issue top of mind with the county. It is legally discoverable, and is sent to your manager, officers and Nurse Rep. Nurses are to be free of ANY retaliation for submitting ADO's. It is the law! https://www.wsna.org/union/ado

We finished by improving the language for certification pay. More types of certification pay are now being recognized, such as:

  • Certified Correctional Health Professional—Advanced
  • Certified Occupational Health Nurse
  • Certified Nurse Educator
  • Certified Infection Control.

We still have more articles to address and are working hard to bring you a contract we can all support; one that recognizes the nurses' valuable contribution to the community.

Your team applauds and invites the nurses to stay engaged with the actions. Every nurse is needed in the plan to win a fair contract. Our next negotiation session is April 13..

Join the local unit's Instagram site, to be able to find up-to-date information - @phskc_staffnurses.

During Michelle Moore’s leave, Tara Barnes, WSNA Nurse Representative, will be covering for her. Please contact her with any questions or concerns. tbarnes@wsna.org or 206-575-7979 x3027.

In Solidarity from your negotiating team,
Tami Nesler
Carolyn Clark
Elena Schensted
Kaila Tang
Tyler Breier