
We can do together what we cannot do alone

Did you know that donated PTO hours for emergency medical leave is available to you and your peers at the county?  We also capture it in our union contract.

We are reaching out today because there are some serious needs amongst your peers and the pooled bank of donated hours is now at zero.

Are you currently in a position to donate a few (or more) hours to the emergency medical leave fund to help a peer who is in great need?  Perhaps you have received donated hours in the past and would like to help others in the same way.  Please message your supervisor and/or manager directly so they can provide the forms from HR for your completion and submission.  If the criteria are met, your donation will be accepted. Here is the link to your contract. The donated leave Article 21 in the WSNA staff nurses contract begins on p.53 for your reference.  There are limits and criteria for donated leave clearly listed:

In unity from your local unit officers,
Tami Nesler RJC
Carolyn Clark KCCF
Elena Schensted Columbia and CSO Eastside
Tina Lajoie Downtown PH Center
Tyler Breier Childcare Program

Questions? Contact your officers (contact information is available in the ribbon above) or WSNA Nurse Representative Tara Barnes, tbarnes@wsna.org.