
Announced changes to adult and youth detention

WSNA is aware that John Diaz sent a memo to employees this week discussing the County’s intent to “reorient King County’s approach to the criminal justice system.” Part of this effort includes a phased closing of the Seattle jail and the Patricia H Clark Children and Family Justice Center. We are disappointed that county administration did not meet with affected employees to present this information or notify WSNA prior to sending the memo.

Labor Relations has relayed that to the best of their knowledge, there is no detailed plan with milestones to accomplish some of the objectives mentioned. It sounds like there will be more definitive information on this topic when the County Executive submits his budget to Council later this year. WSNA will of course, stay apprised of developments and will be working with affected supervisors as these changes progress.

If you have questions, please contact WSNA Nurse Representative Sydne James at sjames@wsna.org.