
Negotiations update

Day 5 of negotiations is complete. We have been trying to set a tone in these negotiations that will facilitate an open dialogue between WSNA and St. Luke’s management. Discussion was held on scheduling, wages and the Safe Staffing Committee, but many large issues are still on the table we have yet to get to.

Next days to bargain are July 6 and July 31.

We all have a role in these negotiations. If we are going to get the best contract possible, we need to stand in solidarity and support the negotiating team.

Here's what your team needs you to do:

  1. Wear your WSNA buttons. There are buttons posted on each WSNA bulletin board on each unit.
  2. Attend! The WSNA open house is on July 10, 11:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. in room LL1 and LL2. We are handing out door prizes, having cake and building “Signs of Solidarity."

United we stand, divided we fall.

Questions? Contact one of your negotiating team members: Fran Castillo, Linda Spurgeon or Jonelle Polley.