
Nurse Conference Committee meeting

Hello PHSKC Supervisors,

Did you know that per Article 15 of our CBA (Collective Bargaining Agreement), we have the opportunity to meet regularly with King County leadership? It’s called the Nurse Conference Committee (NCC). The purpose of these meetings is to discuss mutual problems regarding supervisory issues and facilitate the resolution of all problems that may arise between the parties. It’s our opportunity to bring forth issues and concerns and work collaboratively with the county to resolve them. We will be holding this meeting quarterly.

Our next scheduled NCC meeting for supervisors and managers of CHS, prevention, and administration is April 20.

Do you have issues that you would like your officers to bring forth? We need to hear from you. Please put forth your agenda item no later than April 15 so that we can put together the agenda.

Take good care,
-Your WSNA Officers-
Sean Dumas, Nicole Klein, and Louise Peterson

Questions? Contact one of your officers or WSNA Nurse Representative Bret Percival at bpercival@wsna.org.