
Contract negotiations update

We had our second session of negotiations with management today. We came to the table prepared with answers to the handful of proposals management made at the last session and were hoping to see a response to our comprehensive proposal that we gave management last session. However, management was not prepared with a full counterproposal. We did reach tentative agreements on a few topics, including ensuring there will be a bulletin board at every WSNA-represented facility (including clinics), and also allowing long-range vacation planning requests to be submitted 18 months in advance.

A high priority item for the team was to ask for discussion on extending the Covid Extra Shift Incentive MOU which is set to expire the end of this month. This was denied. Management asserted they had no further need to extend the COVID extra shift MOU and would let it expire at the end of this month.

Management has proposed utilizing the Epicor system exclusively for information that would normally have been included on a paper PAF form (Personnel Action Form). Those historically have been provided to nurses who have a change in job, position, shift, job code, etc. as record of changes. We have requested additional information on the ability of the program to provide nurses all the information they need without utilizing a paper form and are waiting on that additional information.

Skagit has made it clear that they are very interested in some sort of agreement that would allow nurses to float between Cascade hospital and Skagit hospital especially in times of census fluctuations. WSNA’s team explained that nurses should have that opportunity if they chose to accept a per diem position at the other facility.

We do not meet again until May 10. We anxiously await responses to our proposals on important topics like staffing, rest breaks, workplace violence, and of course, economics and will share more information once management has made proposals on those important topics.

Upcoming local unit meeting

Management has some proposals that we need additional information on before we can formulate a response. However, we want to hear again from all of you. Please attend one of the following Local Unit Virtual Meetings and bring your questions and concerns! We are having two session either join via computer or dial in by phone.

May 4 from 7:30 pm -8:30 pm
Join on your computer or mobile app
Click here to join the meeting
Or call in (audio only)
+1 206-485-2614,,283134538# United States, Seattle
(888) 313-0617,,283134538# United States (Toll-free)
Phone Conference ID: 283 134 538#

May 6 from 7:30 am to 8:30 am
Join on your computer or mobile app
Click here to join the meeting
Or call in (audio only)
+1 206-485-2614,,42879926# United States, Seattle
(888) 313-0617,,42879926# United States (Toll-free)
Phone Conference ID: 428 799 26#

If you join a little late, no worries we can fill you all in! Everyone is invited to the town hall sessions but please note that only WSNA members are permitted to vote on the contract. (For information on membership, please visit https://www.wsna.org/membership.) We hope to see you there!

Our next session is not until May 10, 2021. Please stay tuned for information on how you can help your team at the table!

Questions? Contact:
Liz Rainaud– FBC
Cheryl Pedersen– Emergency Department
Rachel Yates– Urgent Care
Jessica Googe– Endoscopy
Hannah Guy– MPC
Lacey Bernick – Peri-op
DeeAnn Wolf– Surgical Services

Sue Dunlap, WSNA Nurse Representative (sdunlap@wsna.org)