
Extra shift Incentive MOU extended!

WSNA and Skagit Regional Health have agreed to extend the extra shift incentive MOU until the end of June. We did agree on this extension prior to the expiration of the current MOU on March 31, 2022. There was a delay in obtaining the appropriate attorney signatures and that has prevented us from posting the final document. However, it has been extended, it is still in effect and the same provisions apply. There were no changes to the language or criteria – merely the extension of the expiration date. As soon as signatures are obtained it will be posted on the WSNA website and on your internal intranet.

We understand staffing continues to be a great challenge and that this MOU has been very beneficial in helping to secure coverage for schedule holes. We are hoping this will continue to help with the staffing needs.

Questions? Please contact any of your officers listed below. There is a direct link to email them at the top of this page.