
Your vote matters!

WSNA members,

Your officers have been in talks with leadership and legal. Skagit is implementing a change in their time keeping policy and is planning to move forward with paying nurses for every minute that they work and will no longer be using the 15-minute rounding policy. That does create some issues on the back end, so we have been working to set up protections for you as they move forward with this change.

We have reached an agreement but now need you as the members to review and vote to accept or reject this joint agreement. Here are highlights of the agreement (the full version will be available at the vote to review).

  • Article 7.6 Overtime shall be computed to the nearest one minute.
  • Article 10.3.1 Paid sick leave may be used in one-minute increments.
  • Skagit will change its attendance policy to allow for employees to clock in/out 5 minutes early or late without overtime or unapproved absence consequences unless there is a pattern of early / late clock-ins/outs not caused by failures/downtime of Employer’s timekeeping technology.
  • The system and process change will not impact permitted early clock-in or late clock-out times for nurses working in areas that require donning/doffing.
  • The MOU will expire when successor contract agreements become effective.


DATE: Friday, March 1, 2024
WHEN: two sessions - 0600-0800 and 1800-2000
LOCATION: Sauk conference room Hospital Main Campus

Come meet your team, find out more information about upcoming contract negotiations and cast your vote on this Timekeeping Change MOU.
See you Friday!
Liz Rainaud, Rachel Yates, Jessica Googe, Abu Cameron, Brandon White, Kim McCann, Felicia Dehon, Sue Dunlap WSNA Nurse Representative.

Questions? Contact WSNA Nurse Representative Sue Dunlap at sdunlap@wsna.org.