
Labor Management Update

Your WSNA officers met with Spokane Veterans Home for the Labor Management meeting on Friday, February 16, 2023. In this quarterly meeting we discuss safety, workplace violence, staffing and nurse practice issues.


 There has been no reported workplace violence during this quarter.

MOAB training was initiated on February 13 with the nightshift. This is a well-received training that presents principles, techniques, and skills for recognizing, reducing and managing violent behavior.

Workplace Violence signage is up. This came about from collaboration with WSNA and WDVA. This is to help curtail WPV.

Cameras and lighting- Cameras have been updated. Additional lighting remains on the “wish list.”


There has been no mandatory OT during the quarter.

Open positions: 8 FT and 2 OC with 3 recently hired OC who have come from the agency.

Agency RNs are required to provide care. It is reported that Heidi sends out an email to all RNs to pick up extra shifts, however after approximately 2 weeks the remaining shifts must be looked at for the agency to fill.

Agency RNs may be cancelled if they are not on contract. (there are 5 agency RNs on contract) Agency Per Diem may be sent home so that a regular staff RN may work.  A list will be provided to the RCMs so that they are aware of who may be sent home.

Return to Work Notes

It is the responsibility of leadership to ensure that a staff member who is returning to work from illness, injury or LOA has proper documentation. During dayshift this is readily accomplished. For evening shift or night shift this will need to be communicated to the RCM so that they are aware and have an expectation that when the staff member arrives on duty a RTW note is available.


It is the expectation that all RCMs will review time sheets before being sent to the scheduler. This is considered part of the RCM duty of overseeing the staff work.

If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, please reach out to:

Hardish Khinda -Co-Chair
Jihan Herring – Co-Chair

Laurie Robinson- WNSA Nurse Rep. lrobinson@wsna.org or 206-620-4136